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Home Hilarious Moments at America’s Best Value Inn

Hilarious Moments at America’s Best Value Inn

    Staying at a hotel can lead to unexpected adventures and funny experiences. America’s Best Value Inn is no exception. Known for its affordability and convenience, it also has its share of hilarious moments. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the funniest stories from America’s Best Value Inn, making you laugh and perhaps reminisce about your own travel mishaps.

    Americas best value inn

    The Unexpected Guests

    Traveling often involves meeting unique characters. At America’s Best Value Inn, these encounters can be particularly memorable. For instance, one guest checked in late at night only to find an unexpected roommate—a raccoon! The furry visitor had somehow snuck into the room and made itself comfortable. The startled guest quickly called the front desk, and the staff had to gently evict the mischievous intruder.

    Another funny incident involved a group of traveling salesmen. They decided to have a costume party in their room, dressing up as various superheroes. Imagine the surprise of other guests seeing Batman, Superman, and Spider-Man casually walking down the hallway!

    The Quirky Amenities

    America’s Best Value Inn offers all the basic amenities, but sometimes guests encounter quirky surprises. One guest reported finding a “Do Not Disturb” sign that read, “Please Go Away. I’m Hibernating.” This playful touch added humor to an otherwise ordinary stay.

    In another instance, a guest found a rubber ducky in the bathroom with a note that said, “Quack if you need anything!” This unexpected addition brought a smile to their face and made their stay more enjoyable.

    Breakfast Bloopers

    Complimentary breakfast is a staple at many hotels, and America’s Best Value Inn is no exception. However, breakfast time can sometimes lead to funny moments. One morning, a guest accidentally poured orange juice into their cereal instead of milk. Realizing their mistake, they burst out laughing and shared the story with other guests, turning an embarrassing moment into a shared joke.

    Another guest recounts the time they encountered a waffle-making machine for the first time. After several failed attempts, they finally managed to make a perfect waffle, only to have it accidentally flip onto the floor. The laughter that followed made for a memorable breakfast experience.

    The Front Desk Funnies

    The front desk at America’s Best Value Inn is the hub of all activity. It’s where guests check in, ask questions, and sometimes share their hilarious moments. One story involves a guest who tried to order room service from a nearby pizza place, only to mistakenly call the front desk. The confused staff member humorously played along, taking the pizza order before gently redirecting the guest to the correct number.

    Another amusing incident occurred when a guest requested extra pillows but accidentally said “extra billows.” The front desk clerk, trying to maintain composure, clarified the request while both shared a good laugh.

    Poolside Pranks

    The pool area can also be a source of humor. At one America’s Best Value Inn, a guest decided to have some fun by placing a floating alligator toy in the pool. The sight of an “alligator” in the water caused quite a stir among the guests until they realized it was a harmless prank.

    In another instance, a group of friends created a synchronized swimming routine as a joke. Their impromptu performance entertained other guests, turning an ordinary pool day into a fun and memorable event.

    Unexpected Room Surprises

    Sometimes, the funny moments come from unexpected room surprises. One guest checked into their room to find a towel folded into the shape of an elephant on their bed. The creative housekeeping staff had gone the extra mile to add a touch of humor to their stay.

    In another funny scenario, a guest found a note left by the previous occupant. It read, “I hid a treasure in this room. Good luck finding it!” The guest spent the next hour searching every nook and cranny, only to find a dollar bill taped under the nightstand. The playful note and “treasure hunt” added a fun twist to their stay.

    The Elevator Escapades

    Elevators at America’s Best Value Inn have also been the setting for humorous moments. One story involves a guest who accidentally pressed all the buttons, causing the elevator to stop at every floor. Instead of being annoyed, the fellow passengers turned it into a game, guessing who would get on or off at each floor.

    Another guest recounts the time they entered the elevator dressed in a dinosaur costume for a nearby comic convention. The reactions from other guests ranged from startled screams to uncontrollable laughter, making it an unforgettable elevator ride.

    The Comedic Cleaning Crew

    Comedic cleaning crew

    Housekeeping staff at America’s Best Value Inn also have their share of funny stories. One housekeeper recounted a time when she found a guest’s pet parrot had escaped from its cage. The parrot had managed to perch itself on the bathroom mirror, repeating phrases like, “Who’s a pretty bird?” and “Don’t forget to tip!” The housekeeper had to carefully coax the parrot back into its cage, all while trying not to laugh at its antics.

    In another instance, a housekeeper found a note on the bed that read, “Beware of the monster under the bed.” Amused and slightly curious, she checked under the bed only to find a stuffed monster toy with a cheeky grin. The guest’s sense of humor brightened her day and became a story she shared with her colleagues.

    Pranks and Practical Jokes

    Guests at America’s Best Value Inn sometimes engage in playful pranks. One guest recounted a story of a bachelor party where they decided to prank the groom by filling his room with balloons. When he opened the door, a cascade of balloons poured out, much to the delight of his friends and the neighboring guests.

    Another story involves a guest who set up a fake spider on a string in the bathroom. When his friend entered and saw the spider, he let out a scream, only to realize it was a joke. The laughter that ensued could be heard throughout the hallway, turning a simple prank into a memorable event.

    Funny Kids and Their Antics

    Children often bring humor to any situation, and America’s Best Value Inn is no different. One family recounted a story of their toddler who, fascinated by the TV remote, managed to order an on-demand movie without their knowledge. They discovered this when they were billed for a cartoon marathon at checkout. The incident became a family joke and a story they shared with friends.

    Another story involves a young boy who decided to play “hide and seek” with his parents in the hotel. After a frantic search, they found him giggling behind the reception desk, where the staff had been entertaining him with stories and snacks. The playful nature of children often leads to heartwarming and humorous moments that guests remember fondly.

    The Dining Room Dilemmas

    The dining area at America’s Best Value Inn also has its share of funny tales. One guest shared a story of how they accidentally dropped their plate at the breakfast buffet, causing a loud crash. Instead of being embarrassed, they took a bow, and the other guests applauded, turning an awkward moment into a lighthearted one.

    Another guest recounted the time they tried to impress their date by making a fancy pancake design. Unfortunately, the pancake ended up looking like a blob rather than a heart. Their date found it endearing, and they both laughed about it, making the breakfast experience even more enjoyable.

    The Staff Shenanigans

    The staff at America’s Best Value Inn are not immune to funny moments either. One front desk clerk shared a story of how they accidentally answered the phone with, “Welcome to Pizza Hut,” instead of the hotel’s name. The caller, amused, decided to order a pizza before realizing they had called the wrong number. The mix-up led to a good laugh for both the staff and the guest.

    In another instance, a maintenance worker was fixing a light fixture when he found a guest’s missing sock inside the lamp. The guest had been searching for it for days, and its discovery in such an odd place provided a humorous end to the mystery.

    Best value inn


    Americas Best Value Inn is more than just a place to stay; it’s a source of funny and unforgettable experiences. From quirky amenities to unexpected guests, each visit can bring a new story to tell. These humorous moments not only entertain but also create lasting memories. So, the next time you stay at America’s Best Value Inn, keep an eye out for those unexpected laughs and enjoy the lighter side of travel.

    John Gonzales

    John Gonzales

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