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Home Best Business Laptop 2021

Best Business Laptop 2021

    Last updated on June 17th, 2021 at 10:49 am

    We have been using several laptops on the past 10 years, and we are pleased to provide our feedback on what to look for when buying new laptop

    1. Speed. RAM is essential so that your computer works well and fast.
    2. Hard Drive or SSD. Absolutely a must have at least 512 GB. You don’t need more, as you will get overwhelmed with useless photos and information.
    3. Weight. Important to be light so you can travel and easy to carry.
    4. Brand is important, but in recent years most brands just copy technology, design and quality from each other. It is best to get a good deal and spend less. Even the most reputable brands can not guarantee that the laptops will work flawless.
    5. Our team has worked with several brands in recent years, even with Apple, and we always find issues with any laptop brands. There will be NEVER PERFECT Laptop made. So, just don’t spend too much and look for decent specs.

    For great laptops, try Google Shopping here >>

    Business Laptops 2021



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